Stress and Moving

I have been prone to right more personal posts lately and have left those private for my family to read, but tonight I have a lot on my mind….

I have decided to make it a goal to post each Sunday.

We recently sold our home (to an amazing family) and moved into another house here in Nephi. It’s about 100 years old and has amazing character! I was so excited to move into this new home, design it, and save a lot of money living here, but honestly, it’s been super stressful as well.

We sold most of our furniture with our old house and therefore moved into our new home with basically a mattress for everyone to sleep on. We didn’t have a kitchen table, a stove (for about a week), dressers for anyone, and numerous other things. I had a good attitude about it for about a week and then I started to get sick of nowhere to eat, dirty clothes mixed in with clean clothes, no appliances to cook meals, boxes everywhere, etc.

Thankfully this past week (about a month later) I am slowly starting to get furniture into the house. My boys have a dresser, we have a kitchen table with chairs to sit on, a couch, a stove, a working washer and dryer, and the boxes are slowly getting emptied. I still have a lot of organizing and decorating to do, but it’s slowly coming along. I am getting more and more excited about living in this home, making memories with my family, and designing a new home!

Life has been stressful and unorganized and I am starting to drive my family crazy. Or at least I think I am. Between organizing a house, refinishing a few pieces of furniture, working, being a mom, planning a baptism, and Cohen being sick, I felt like I was on my last straw. The last few nights Easton hasn’t been acting like himself again (read THIS POST if you don’t know what I’m talking about). He hasn’t been eating, he runs low grade fevers, and sleeps nearly 15-16 hours a day! Again, maybe it’s just a little virus or bacterial infection, but my mind gets racing again about the “what if” scenarios.

Tonight I gave him some Tylenol and a cold drink of water. We walked up to his bedroom and organized his blankets. “The soft one goes on the bottom with the BYU pillow on top. Then you put this blanket on top.” I tucked him into bed and kissed his cheek. I told him probably ten times how much I loved him and wished he wasn’t sick. The last time I said “I love you” he said, “I love you more.” I just needed to hear that simple phrase to make my entire week. Of course my eyes swelled up with tears as I replied, “I love you most.” I gave him his favorite blanket, turned down the lights, and said goodnight.

I walked down the stairs with tears in my eyes while saying a simple prayer in my heart hoping he would get better soon.

For the last hour I have been thinking again about how blessed my life is. Why does it take trials or sickness to make me realize my life is better than what it sometimes seems?

I work tomorrow at the hospital and Colby will take him to the Doctor. More testing to come I’m sure. Here’s to praying for my Little E and hoping he gets better soon!

Summer Lovin’

Playing at Grandma’s House

Cohen is Not Himself

While we were in Bear Lake, Cohen seemed to be getting sick. He would wake up several times throughout the night because he couldn’t breathe and one night he had a low grade fever. Over the next few days at the cabin, he would scream for Colby constantly. It seemed like there wasn’t a minute that went by on Saturday and Sunday that he wasn’t crying or throwing a fit. Colby and I kept saying “something must be wrong because this is not how Cohen usually acts.”

After being home for two days, he was still not acting like himself. We took him to the doctor and sure enough, he had a major sinus infection. He was started on an antibiotic and is finally starting to act like my sweet little Cohen again. Yesterday, while I was doing dishes, I heard him laughing while playing with an old toy. Immediate joy filled my soul and I realized he truly was just sick and wanted some attention from us because he didn’t feel well this weekend! I felt bad because I was bitter over him being so needy and emotional.

I’m glad he is starting to act like himself again!

However, Colby and I now have a terrible cold. I can’t wait until I can breathe through my nose at night and not have to suck on a cough drop at 3 am.

There is Wonderful Joy Ahead

Last night we had testimony meeting at our house. Not in my family room sitting on the couch or sitting at our kitchen table. We had testimony meeting just inside my front door…standing…for three hours… three wonderful hours…until early hours of the morning.

Colby and I had just arrived in Nephi after spending the weekend in Bear Lake with Riley, Tana, & Kloie at the cabin. We needed to talk to a friend of ours about some business at the store so we invited him over to chat. I was excited to talk to him about plans to help our business grow and excited to hopefully help his dream come true as well. We invited him in and starting chatting like we always do. If I had known what was ahead I would have invited him to come sit on the couch. Instead, he stood inside the front door with Colby and I close by in the front room. We talked for MAYBE twenty minutes about the business, our plans, and our hopes. We discussed past business adventures and what we saw in the future.

What was just business talk soon led into family talk which somehow ventured into testimony meeting (in my opinion).

While I wish I felt like I had the right to post everything we discussed last night, it’s personal. It’s personal to Colby and I and also personal to our friend. Colby and I talked a lot about our life and our friend told us personal information about his own life. Needless to say, we found out some amazing things about his family, his wife, his past life, her past life, and circumstances that led them to become the wonderful family they are today. You have no idea how amazing it was to hear, but I promise you, it strengthened my testimony tremendously! I wish I had my journal with me while we were talking, because I had so many thoughts and feelings overcome me. I’m not sure any of us had dry eyes by the time he left. And for me, the spirit was so strong. I couldn’t hold back my emotions and while that was somewhat embarrassing, it was wonderful as well! Colby and I went to bed that night changed. I can’t explain it, but something was different. It was a wonderfully, peaceful feeling!

Sometimes when I think the Lord isn’t hearing my prayers or I’m not getting the answers I need, the Lord speaks through others and answers our prayers when we least expect them. Last night that happened to me. And I think it happened to Colby as well. Whether our friend realizes the impact he has been in our life or not, he and his family have been a blessing in our life these last few months. They are the greatest examples to us and we cherish their friendship!

Our life has not been the easiest these last few months-starting a business, making the decision to quit a job, raising three children, not having a husband around as much as I would like, and numerous other trials have come our way. However, somehow I am filled with peace and happiness. The gospel is true and Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers. He knows us individually and bears our burdens. He knows what we need and while we may not know why we go through the trials we face, he has a plan for each of us. I know that because I have felt it. My life is blessed beyond measure and I couldn’t be more grateful for the trials in my life. These trials have made me a stronger person mentally and spiritually. I have hope there is wonderful joy ahead!