Words of the Wise

Yesterday was my last official day to be able to attend Relief Society in our ward. I was called to be in the Primary Presidency as the Second Counselor. I decided to make the most of my last Sunday and try to really fully connect and listen to what the teacher was talking about. Don’t get me wrong, I love being in the primary, but I just wanted to spend one more week with the ladies of the ward. Lucky for me, I got the wonderful opportunity to hear from my favorite RS teacher Vicki Jackson. She always relates things in such an easy and understandable way and I love it! She discussed two different topics, but the first topic she focused on was the role of the father and mother in the family. Despite this being a fairly easy subject to discuss, I felt the spirit so strongly during her lesson yesterday. At one point during her lesson, I honestly felt like it was just her and I in the room together…like she was talking only to me.

The role of the mother is to nurture and care for her children, to teach them everyday, to listen and be there for her children, to assist in the duties of her husband by providing meals and making sure family dinner is a priority, and so on. I am sad to admit, but lately I have found myself raising my voice at my children more often than I probably should. I have become the type of mother who is running from place to place, who doesn’t pay enough attention to her children, and a mother who probably sets her priorities and wants above her children’s needs. Vicki said something yesterday that really stuck with me. She gave an example of a quote her grandmother used to say which is, “Don’t say NO to your children unless you have to.”

This saying struck me like a ton of bricks. Sometimes I feel like mother’s can get so caught up in the everyday hustle and bustle that we often say “No” to our children just because it’s easiest. “No” in a my personal mind means I don’t have to clean up a disaster after they get done playing with watercolors. “No” means I’m too busy to go play outside with you or watch and make sure you’re safe while you’re playing. “No” means I really just want to sit here and browse Instagram for a little while. “No” means you’re bothering me.

This week I am hoping to pay more attention to the priorities of my family and be attentive to my children more often than usual. I never make a homemade breakfast for my kids or Colby and tomorrow it’s happening. Tomorrow I am going to read books with my kids, get off my phone more, and hopefully play games with them while Colby is at Young Mens.

My kids and my husband are my world. I need to remember that. I need to cherish that.

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