You Never Know

This morning I woke up excited to start the day! I didn’t have anything to do and I had a million ideas of things I wanted to do! I finally had a day where I could craft, bottle some tomatoes, or just relax. I have been wanting to organize the garage for a few weeks, but I knew I couldn’t do that without Colby’s help. I have an old wooden “eyebrow” off my Grandpa Hitchcock’s house I have started to refinish, but never had a chance to complete. And Halloween is just around the corner so I thought it would maybe be fun to make some decorations for my porch or entry way. The list of things to do went on and on and I was excited to do something for myself today. First thing on my list: get the butter out of the fridge so I can make cookies for a sweet lady I visit teach for her birthday today.

About thirty minutes later while I was sitting at the table eating some cereal, my Mom called saying Mason (my sister’s little boy) was struggling to breathe and she was pretty concerned. I shoveled a few more spoonfuls of cereal in my mouth, didn’t even brush my teeth, grabbed my keys, and headed up to my sister’s house to check on him (without any shoes). Colby was home for another hour before going to work so I knew I had a few minutes to help. When I arrived, Mason was definitely struggling to breathe and his little belly proved it. He was retracting, wheezing, and coughing every once in a while. I told my mom he needed to see a doctor. I got in my van and drove back to my house to find our nebulizer. When I got back to Hilary’s house, my mom asked if I could just take Marlee home with me and she would take Mason to the hospital.

Sure. No big deal. Right? I grabbed Marlee’s bag of stuff and we headed back home.

The second I walked in the door I realized I had also agreed to watch my cute little neighbor boy for a few hours today. Marlee also had her first day of dancing today and I had to take Easton to pre-school! How in the world was I going to take Marlee to her first day of dancing and drop off Easton at pre-school at the same time? Would I take Marlee early and hope she didn’t scream or want me to stay? Should I ask my friend to take Easton to school? And on top of that, what was I going to do with Cohen and how was I going to be back fifteen minutes later to watch Titus? My mind raced and I figured out a plan. I would take Easton to Keisha’s house early, take Marlee to dancing while holding Cohen, change her shoes, pray she didn’t scream and want me to stay, and then race back home in time to watch Titus.

My plan almost worked out perfectly. Tim arrived at the hospital just in time for my Mom to come get Marlee. She was already dressed and had a small photo session (for Hilary). My Mom took Easton to Keisha’s on the way to taking Marlee to dancing. I was set. That was until I realized I hadn’t ordered my tomatoes for my canning session I had scheduled with Tana & Alisha tomorrow or ran over a check to Radonna like I told her I would. Run to the Corn Stand, order my tomatoes, took a check to Radonna, and made it back to see Natasha standing at my door with Titus. Lucky for me she was early so hopefully I didn’t make her late…

After Natasha left, my eyes swelled with tears. I was more than happy to help everyone who needed it, but the day I had planned for myself quickly was not the day I had hoped it would be.

Titus and Cohen played like they had been best friends forever and I was lucky enough to get some tomatoes canned before Colby picked Trevin and Easton up from school. The boys were excited as they walked through the door drinking some small sodas Colby had bought for them. They told me a few highlights of their day and then Trevin said, “Mom can we have a special dinner tonight?” Special dinner? I wasn’t sure what he meant, but decided I would do my best. My day had been full of things to do and service to provide that it made me excited to do something exciting for my children. With no plan in place, I threw some chicken in the crock pot and told them to grab some paper and markers. Party hats seemed like something “special” for dinner.

Trevin, Easton, and I sat at our kitchen table for well over an hour while Cohen took a nap. We designed party hats complete with a crumpled napkin top. The boys put a shiny yellow table cloth on the table, the party hats as the center piece, and set the table with orange napkins at Easton’s request. It was the perfect setting in my eyes and the boys were beyond excited! I took a picture of the party hats the boys had made and sent it to Colby. I explained we would be having a “special dinner” at 7:00 tonight for family night.

After the table was set and the party hats made, I had envisioned what I wanted tonight to be like…all of us gathered around the kitchen table, visiting, laughing, and enjoying dinner together. When dinner time arrived, the boys couldn’t wait to eat. They started before Colby and me and were finished eating and off playing in their room about five minutes later. I fed Cohen some rice while Colby made his plate. Cohen finished eating and Colby and I sat down together and ate dinner without the oldest boys. We talked for a minute about how our day was and what tomorrows plans were. Trevin came and wanted a picture of Colby and me in our party hats and off to their room they went again.

My day didn’t go as planned and neither did my dream dinner. However, my heart was full of gratitude and love. I was grateful for the opportunity to serve my sister and my neighbor. I had enjoyed the afternoon with my boys coloring, talking, and planning a dinner they had hoped for. While cleaning up dinner, I enjoyed listening to the boys laugh with Colby in their room as he built them a train track. My heart was full.

While checking Facebook a few minutes ago, Natasha had posted a Mormon Message titled You Never Know. This video totally reflected how I was feeling today. Perfectly. Sometimes in life it’s hard to recognize all the good things we do. We plan our schedules and life happens. We don’t get things done and we get upset because our “to do list” wasn’t completed like we hoped it would be. However, the Lord realizes we are trying our best and as a mother, sometimes that means realizing it’s okay to stay in our pajamas all day baking, cleaning, and being a mother. Or sometimes it’s helping others when the call to serve comes our way.

…if only I could have made those cookies! Tomorrow it’s on my list of things to do!

Along with a few other things.

*While I was in the middle of this blog post I had to walk into Trevin & Easton’s room and remind them it was bedtime. After already telling them twice to calm down and go to bed, a few minutes later I hear Easton screaming. Trevin had thrown a toy at him and gave him a bloody nose. Just a little side note to remind myself of things that happened today.

My Thoughts

This morning I woke up eager to bottle some beets I had picked from my garden. I grew to love canning from my Mother, but also from my Grandma Deon Hitchcock. I always loved her beets and her mustard pickles. I remember as a little girl she always had something in her kitchen that she had canned. It didn’t matter what she had canned, it was always delicious!

My Mother is the one who actually taught me the correct process of canning and taught me a few of her favorite things to can including salsa, peaches, and tomatoes for her homemade spaghetti sauce. Since I have been married, I have always loved the fall season because it meant fresh produce from the garden and canning! I have since taught myself how to bottle new recipes such as roasted red pepper spread, tomato juice, jams, pickled beets, all types of pickles, and pineapple pears. I love canning and I love the memories I have from learning and knowing how to can!

As I was standing at my kitchen sink washing my beets, I looked out the window and immediately began to have thoughts of my Grandma Deon. I remember her rings on her fingers, the smell of her perfume, her gentle hugs, and playing in the weeds at her house with my cousin Carson. I remember sitting at her kitchen table covered in hundreds of books and magazines. I remember how my Grandpa would always kiss her on the cheek and tell her he loved her. But, one particular memory stood out for me…

One day I had a question about bottling her pickled beets. I called my Dad first and asked him for help. He explained he didn’t have the answer for me and that I should probably just give Grandma a call. When I called to discuss my questions with her, it was like she was standing right in the same room as me. I remember feeling like I could talk to her all day long. We discussed the pickled beets and then our conversation went to pickles, mustard pickles, bread & butter pickles, and then my family. Grandma helped answer my questions but also was concerned about how my family was doing and how life was going for me.

I wish I could turn back time. I would call her more often. I would visit her more often. I would spend a day bottling anything in the world with her. But, those days have came and gone. Until I see her again, I will always love canning her recipes and thinking of her every time I eat something I’ve bottled.

This is What Love Looks Like

One of my favorite parts of the day is in the evening when Colby wrestles with the boys! They look forward to it every night. If only I could explain the joy I feel when I watch him play with them…

Tonight I begged Colby to let me capture their wrestling on video. He hates pictures and especially videos, but tonight he let it slide. And I’m so glad he did.

You can watch the video HERE

Be Strong. Live the Gospel.

It’s one of those mornings where I woke up to the sound of thunder and rain pattering on my window violently. Colby woke a few hours ago and headed up north to get some wood for custom bedroom sets for the store. I was alone in my dark bedroom just listening to the storm that raged outside the walls of my home. The longer I laid there, the more my mind began to race…

I began to think about the storm that rages outside our churches, our homes, or the comfort of our families. The violent storm the adversary tries to creep into the hearts and minds of my children, my life, and someday my grand-children’s lives. While I may think by going to church and saying family prayers with my children is enough, I don’t believe it is. What can I do better to strengthen my home? What can I do better to help my children gain a firm testimony of the gospel? Will my children be prepared to defend their beliefs when storms arrive or the adversary tempts them?

I have been following a wonderful blog for a few years now. I look up to this woman and envy her ability to cherish her role as a mother and also her ability to help her children gain a testimony. Recently she posted her family theme for the year.

I decided to purchase this exact theme a few days ago and I am hoping to display it in my home shortly. Of course I ordered it in red, but the meaning is still the same.

I want my children to be strong and live the gospel no matter what life may bring them. I want to help them build a firm foundation (while helping build my own). Today is Friday and I have made it a goal over the weekend to develop some ideas with Colby, so next week we can begin a new week with ideas on how to accomplish this goal. I pray my kids will stay strong in the gospel and gain their own testimony so someday they will be able to defend their beliefs. No matter what.

The Pursuit of Happiness

Early Wednesday morning I was driving to work. It was a gloomy rainy day. I was already tired and not excited about being up since four am. As I was listening to the radio, the hosts were talking about twelve toxic behaviors that push people away from you. Some of these behaviors include: being envious of everyone else, taking everything too personal, acting like you’re always the victim, hoarding pain and loss, obsessive negative thinking, making superficial judgements about others, hiding your truth, etc. This conversation made me contemplate my own life and the way I choose to live my life. Am I a happy person? Do I radiate a positive attitude? Do I judge others wrongfully?

Right then I decided to say a prayer. I prayed for a good attitude despite the fact that I had started the day with a bad one. I prayed for my co-workers and the doctors who would be helping with my patients that day. I prayed for my patients, their families, and their loved ones. I prayed for myself that I might be able to do my best in order to help make my patients day better or possibly save their life. I prayed for peace.

Little did I know what the outcome of the day would bring…

For one particular family, it was a day they thought would probably never come. I won’t get into details (because I can’t) but my heart broke for a young family. Several times throughout the day, with tears in my eyes, I had to walk into another room and gather my composure. Sometimes as a nurse, it can be extremely hard to stay strong in front of the family, when deep down inside, your heart is breaking.

We are all humans with the same emotions. Every one of us has trials. Some people have bigger obstacles to overcome while others have it a little easier, or so it may appear. While you may think your trials are harder than other individuals, you have no idea what is going on in another person’s life. However, in my opinion, just because you are having a bad day, or week, try to have a good attitude. Look at the bright side of things and focus on your blessings rather than your burdens. I promise this can completely change the outlook on your life. I can promise this because I have experienced it, especially in the last few months.

Happiness isn’t something that falls on our doorstep everyday. Happiness is something we have to work for. Strive for. Pursue.

As a mother, I hope my children always recognize the blessings in their lives, rather than the trials or burdens they are facing. Sometimes life isn’t fair, but that doesn’t give us the right to place blame on others, or never forgiving others. I have tried to find the beauty and the blessings in all aspects of my life recently. I have been faced with trials I never saw coming. I have been angry, lonely, confused, and scared, but through my trials I have strived to stay positive and not let others carry my burdens or see my negative thoughts.

I am doing my best at pursuing happiness.